15 Tips to Help Prevent Tooth Cavities

15 Tips to Help Prevent Tooth Cavities

Preventing cavities should be everyone’s number one goal when it comes to dental health. These small holes are caused by tooth decay and, when not addressed, can continue to eat away at your teeth. The longer a cavity goes undetected, the more damage and pain it can cause.

One of the best ways to keep your teeth healthy is to find ways to promote remineralization. Remineralization is the natural process your teeth use to repair themselves. Triggered by your saliva, remineralization transports required organisms found in your mouth to your teeth.

The process deposits important minerals such as calcium to your enamel, helping to repair any deficiencies that can lead to cavities. If you are looking for ways to prevent cavities, these 15 tips will help.

1. Maintain excellent oral care

First and foremost, you should be brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste. You should also be flossing at least once a day. This is your number one defence against tooth decay and cavities.

2. Regular dental checkups

Next on the list, to support your daily oral hygiene regime at home, see your dentist at least twice a year for professional cleanings and checkups. This is the best way to adopt a preventative approach to your dental treatment. Issues are spotted early on, allowing you to avoid costly dental restoration to repair damage caused by tooth decay.

3. Oil pulling

This is based on an ancient system called Ayurveda. By swishing a tablespoon of sesame or coconut oil in your mouth, you can promote healthier teeth. When the oil is spat out, it removes bacteria, which can reduce plaque.

It acts as a natural mouthwash while also helping to naturally help remineralize your tooth enamel. You should swish the oil in your mouth for at least a few minutes to get the best results.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can be purchased in liquid and gel form. You can apply the gel to your teeth, or rinse with the aloe vera drink, making sure you are using a safe pure form. Like oil pulling, it can help kill bacteria in your mouth and potentially assist with remineralization.

5. Take a Vitamin D supplement

Vitamin D supplements can help reduce dental cavities as it can help strengthen tooth enamel. This vitamin has a mineralizing effect to help promote self-healing of tooth enamel.

6. Reduce sugary foods and drinks

This is an obvious recommendation that works. Sugar promotes the formation of damaging acids in your mouth that wear down tooth enamel. Reduce sugar, reduce acids, and reduce the risk of tooth decay and cavities.

7. Chew sugar-free gum

Especially when you are out for meals, chewing gum after eating is a great way to reduce bacteria. It also keeps your breath fresh and promotes stronger enamel.

8. Avoid over-brushing

Many people make the mistake of thinking that increasing the number of times they brush will improve oral hygiene. However, to maintain the natural balance in your saliva, and the minerals deposited on your teeth, it is best to stick to brushing no more than twice daily. As well, aggressive brushing can be damaging to your teeth, while also causing receding gums and teeth sensitivity.

9. Avoid acidic drinks

Acidic drinks such as coffee, alcohol, citrus juice, kombucha, and soda all contribute to tooth decay while also slowing down the remineralization process.

10. Enjoy healthy diet choices

A diet rich in the following can promote healthier teeth:

  • Calcium and phosphorus-rich dairy
  • Calcium-rich seafood
  • Vegetables and nuts
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K2
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus

11. Use a natural mouth rinse

Overuse of mouthwashes that kill bacteria can also kill beneficial bacteria that rebalance the oral microbiome needed for remineralization. Instead, choose a mouth rinse with a high pH level of nine or higher as it will help keep the alkalinity in your mouth healthy.

12. Improve saliva production

As mentioned, your saliva plays an important role in oral health and remineralization. Some foods that help with saliva production include:

  • Bananas
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Peas
  • Whole grains
  • Seafood

13. Take supplements

You can also speak to your doctor about supplements, including Vitamin B, D, magnesium, and iron.

14. Eat foods with probiotics

Foods with natural probiotics include natural yogurts and fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi.

15. Drink green tea

Since you should be avoiding warm drinks that stain teeth like coffee and tea, choose green tea instead. It contains catechins which can reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth while also acting as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

When To See a Dentist

Keep in mind that while home remedies can help reduce the risk of cavities, they should be used in hand with your usual recommended routine dental care. You should never try these remedies to aid with dental pain, as they can aggravate the situation. Besides daily brushing and flossing with regular dental checkups and a healthy diet, each of these tips will see varying results.

If you experience dental pain, discomfort, or tenderness, always call our office as soon as possible. Your dentist will check to see what is causing the issues and determine what treatment is required. Our team is always here to answer your questions and provide the dental care needed for your personal needs.

For more tips to prevent tooth cavities, call Roots on Whyte Dental at (780) 438-6863 or contact us here.

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