
15 Tips to Help Prevent Tooth Cavities

Posted by Oana on Mon, 21 Sep 2020

Preventing cavities should be everyone’s number one goal when it comes to dental health. These small holes are caused by tooth decay and, when not addressed, can continue to eat away at your teeth. The longer a cavity goes undetected, the more damage and pain it can cause. One of the best ways to keep your teeth healthy is to find ways to promote remineralization. Remineralization is the natural process your teeth use to repair themselves. Triggered by your saliva, remineralization...

15 Tips to Help Prevent Tooth Cavities, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Ceramic vs Titanium Implants: What’s the Difference?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 24 Aug 2020

Teeth and the smile they contribute to can say a lot about you. Perfectly aligned, bright, pearly white teeth are a thing of desire and a major source of confidence for many. Devoting your time to the regular care of your teeth and gums can ensure that your teeth remain healthy and strong. Your dental health is also tied to your overall health and appearance of your mouth and face. By maintaining clean and healthy teeth and gums, you’ll ensure that your overall health and appearance of...

Ceramic vs Titanium Implants: What’s the Difference?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How to Keep Your Teeth from Yellowing

Posted by Oana on Mon, 20 Jul 2020

Bright, white teeth are truly a thing of desire, so it’s no surprise that teeth whitening is a multi-billion dollar industry. Achieving that perfect smile and a full set of white and bright teeth is a major source of confidence for many people. Many methods of professional and at-home whitening techniques and products are available to keep your teeth from yellowing. Some teeth whitening methods are milder than others and use simple, natural products to achieve a brighter shade, whereas...

How to Keep Your Teeth from Yellowing, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

5 Chewing Tips After You’ve Had a Filling

Posted by Oana on Mon, 15 Jun 2020

You hear your stomach grumbling and the delicious smell of food wafting towards you as you prepare yourself to dig into your next meal. Unfortunately, if you’ve had a filling, digging into a meal may not be as simple as usual. A tooth filling, sometimes known as a restorative filling, is a very common procedure in the world of dentistry. Fillings are used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay and seal them to prevent further decay. It is common to experience sensitivity to...

5 Chewing Tips After You’ve Had a Filling, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How and When Mercury Dental Fillings Should Be Removed

Posted by Oana on Mon, 18 May 2020

Do you still have mercury dental fillings? Below, we’ll find out when and how they should be safely removed by your dentist. When should mercury dental fillings be removed? When the traditional silver fillings are inserted, they are packed into an area of your tooth. Since there isn’t any sort of permanent bonding between the filling and the tooth, the silver fillings will, overtime, begin to wear down. As the filling wears down, it exposes new areas on the tooth which can eventually...

How and When Mercury Dental Fillings Should Be Removed, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

The Difference Between General Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry

Posted by Oana on Mon, 20 Apr 2020

The Difference Between General Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry Dentistry — also known as oral medicine or dental medicine — is a branch of medicine that focuses on the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases or conditions affecting the oral cavity and related structures. The first thing that comes to our mind when we hear the word dentistry is usually the pearly whites that make up our smile, but teeth are not the only focus of dentistry. In fact, dentistry also encompasses many...

The Difference Between General Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

What Are Dental Crowns?

Posted by Oana on Wed, 18 Mar 2020

Crown restorations are one of the most common procedures performed by dental professionals. Dental crown restorations, although very common, are sometimes not very well understood. Many individuals are hesitant to undergo a crown restoration procedure to help fix many types of tooth and mouth problems. If a crown restoration has been recommended for you by a dental professional, we’re here to help you get all the facts. It’s important to educate yourself and understand not only what a...

What Are Dental Crowns?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How Long Do Ceramic Fillings Last?

Posted by Oana on Tue, 18 Feb 2020

Cavities are ever fun and can be painful and a nuisance to treat. When harmful bacteria build up in your mouth due to poor oral hygiene practices and excessive sugars, they can cause your teeth to become infected and decay over time. Cavities are the result of this tooth decay. In order to treat cavities, a dental professional will have to remove the decayed portion of the tooth and then fill in the area the decayed material was removed from. Although fillings are used to fill in a tooth...

How Long Do Ceramic Fillings Last?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Why It’s Important to Replace Amalgam Fillings

Posted by Oana on Tue, 14 Jan 2020

If you’ve had one or more cavities, then it was most likely filled in with a grey metal amalgam. This grey metal amalgam filling is the silver that can be seen when you throw your head back and enjoy a good laugh or when you open your mouth widely. Previously, these metal amalgam fillings were the only options available so if you are over the age of 30 and have had a cavity, then your mouth is probably still home to one of the old amalgam fillings. However, with today’s research and...

Why It’s Important to Replace Amalgam Fillings, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Dental Insurance: How to Maximize Your Dental Benefits

Posted by Oana on Tue, 17 Dec 2019

As important as it is to maintain your oral health and provide your teeth with regular cleanings or dental procedures as required, the costs of these services can surely add up. In most cases, your dental insurance can help shoulder some or all of the expenses associated with a wide variety of dental services. Each insurance plan is unique and offers varying amounts, percentages covered, deductibles, and types of procedures covered. Many dental plans work on an annual basis, meaning your...

Dental Insurance: How to Maximize Your Dental Benefits, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Why it’s Important to Have Regular Dental Checkups

Posted by Oana on Thu, 7 Nov 2019

It can be easy to overlook and sometimes forget about the health of your teeth - until they give you a reason to. A toothache or difficulty biting into your favourite foods can be worrisome and could be the first sign of trouble, but at this point, it may be too late. Tooth decay is a slow process and may not be accompanied by any symptoms, allowing it to go undetected. Unfortunately, it may not always be possible to notice any damage or decay in your teeth during your regular brushing and...

Why it’s Important to Have Regular Dental Checkups, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Everything You Need to Know About 3D Dental X-Rays

Posted by Oana on Tue, 8 Oct 2019

Dental technology has advanced incredibly in the past couple of decades, resulting in dramatic improvements in quality of care, safer procedures, treatment of complex cases, faster healing times, aesthetically pleasing outcomes, and long-lasting results. One of the most recent and exciting developments in dentistry is in diagnostic technology and involves the advent of 3D dental X-rays. What is 3D dental imaging? When treating patients, 3D dental X rays give dentists a better view of the...

Everything You Need to Know About 3D Dental X-Rays, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How Dental Lasers are Used for Orthodontic Work

Posted by Oana on Mon, 23 Sep 2019

With new technologies in modern dentistry, patients can enjoy procedures and techniques that are more convenient, less invasive, safer, and more effective with faster healing and recovery times. LASER technology (Light Amplification and Stimulated Emission of Radiation Therapy) is one of the new discoveries in medicine and dentistry that has found its way into orthodontics. Dental laser technology in Edmonton has resulted in decreased treatment timings, less pain and more comfort during...

How Dental Lasers are Used for Orthodontic Work, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

What to Ask Your Child’s Dentist About General Anesthesia

Posted by Oana on Wed, 21 Aug 2019

Are your kids still afraid of the dentist? That can’t be good, especially if they’re falling behind on their bedtime routine and are getting cavities. No one likes the image of being strapped down on the dentist’s chair just to get pearly whites and bright smiles back. Luckily, your kids don’t have to go through this. Sedation dentistry uses general anesthesia to ensure the success of a particularly sensitive or extensive dental procedure. In children’s dentistry, this means...

What to Ask Your Child’s Dentist About General Anesthesia, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Breastfeeding: Six Things Nursing Moms Should Know About Dental Health

Posted by Oana on Wed, 10 Jul 2019

Breastfeeding is considered the oldest practice to feed babies. It is one of the most important activities in infancy and early childhood, not only for the delivery of proper nutrition, but also as a way for the mother and child to bond, with numerous benefits for infants, mothers, and families. Breastfeeding and human milk are the ideal diet choice for every baby. The process of breastfeeding itself offers many benefits to the infant, including enhanced immune system, balanced nutrition...

Breastfeeding: Six Things Nursing Moms Should Know About Dental Health, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Ageing and Dental Health

Posted by Oana on Wed, 5 Jun 2019

Your oral health is directly connected to your overall health. And as you get older, it becomes increasingly important to ensure good dental and oral health. Many people mistakenly believe that tooth loss is a natural component of ageing. This is simply a myth. Just as regular brushing and flossing, as well as routine dental visits are critical for preventing cavities in children, good dental habits can help ensure that your teeth last a lifetime. Good oral hygiene is even more important for...

Ageing and Dental Health, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Types of Dental Fillings

Posted by Oana on Thu, 11 Apr 2019

Your Edmonton area dentist may recommend fillings to replace tooth structure lost to decay, excessive wear, or trauma in order to restore the original shape, size, function, and aesthetic, and make the tooth last longer. The performance, durability, and longevity of dental fillings varies depending on the material used. And while they last for many years, all of them eventually need replacing due to the constant assault from chewing and the stress from clenching and grinding. The Procedure...

Types of Dental Fillings, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Five Questions to Ask Before Agreeing to Any Dental Procedure

Posted by Oana on Fri, 1 Mar 2019

Choosing a new dentist in Edmonton involves a lot of work. One of the requirements of a family dental practice is that they can address all the needs of your loved ones, including any special needs. But just because you trust your dentist, or a specialist you’re referred to, does not mean that you have to agree to every dental procedure they recommend. Asking the right questions before your treatment can help to ease anxiety and give you peace of mind that you’re making the best decision...

Five Questions to Ask Before Agreeing to Any Dental Procedure, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Reasons to Rebuild Your Smile With Dental Implants

Posted by Oana on Wed, 6 Feb 2019

A dental implant is the only tooth replacement option that restores the full function of your mouth with a permanent crown and root. It has become a popular tooth loss solution for improving the function and stability of your mouth. Whether you’re missing one or more teeth, or feel unsatisfied with your current tooth loss solution due to a slipping denture or weak bridgework, our dental services in Edmonton can provide a way to help you regain your smile. Most Patients Can Benefit From...

Reasons to Rebuild Your Smile With Dental Implants, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Choosing the Best Teeth Whitening Method for You

Posted by Oana on Mon, 7 Jan 2019

Modern dentistry has seen many improvements including cosmetic treatments to improve the look of your smile. One of the most popular requests for cosmetic improvements is teeth whitening. There are many options available, whether you have mild staining which can be addressed with whitening treatments, or your staining is severe and you require something more permanent such as veneers. Here is an overview of the treatments available from over the counter home treatments to cosmetic dental...

Choosing the Best Teeth Whitening Method for You, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Five Ways Vaping Affects Oral Health

Posted by Oana on Fri, 7 Dec 2018

What is Vaping? Vaping is the process of consuming nicotine or other substances through a vaporizer or e-cigarette. Rather than smoking cigarettes or consuming nicotine in other forms, vaping allows you to consume nicotine without actually smoking. Vaping began as an aid to quit smoking, but its popularity grew significantly. Now, vaping has become a habit of its own. Vaporizers vs. Cigarettes The vaporizer industry was built on the idea that vaping is an effective, safe alternative to...

Five Ways Vaping Affects Oral Health, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How Often Should You Floss?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 5 Nov 2018

To floss or not to floss? That is the question. Some people will floss as many as three times a day, while others will never floss, period. Others may floss only after eating foods like corn on the cob, while some people will floss for a few weeks after their dental checkup, and then abandon flossing until their next visit. As you can see, the amount of flossing varies greatly from person to person. Here, we will help you decide how often you should floss, as well as learn about some other...

How Often Should You Floss?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

6 Reasons Why Cosmetic Dentistry Might Be Right for You

Posted by Oana on Wed, 10 Oct 2018

What is Cosmetic Dentistry? Cosmetic Dentistry refers to new and advancing technology that can help improve the aesthetic of your smile and your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can help rejuvenate a smile that has become dulled over the years, and it can also help fix any trauma that has occurred to restore your smile to its original beauty. Cosmetic dentistry utilizes cutting-edge technology to help shape and contour your teeth while also enhancing your smile. This can have a significant impact...

6 Reasons Why Cosmetic Dentistry Might Be Right for You, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry

Posted by Oana on Fri, 14 Sep 2018

Cosmetic dentistry used to be a celebrity-driven practice. Stars needed brilliant white teeth to look perfect for every photo op, but regular folks weren’t so keyed into the shade of their smile. In 2018, cosmetic dentistry has exploded as an industry. More and more people are arranging procedures to whiten, straighten, and cap their teeth so their smile can be uniform and ultra-healthy looking. Most people cite wanting to increase their attractiveness as the main reason for seeking out...

Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

6 Things You Should Never Do If You Want Pearl White Teeth

Posted by Oana on Mon, 6 Aug 2018

The first thing that people notice when they see you is your smile, and you won’t be able to make a good first impression with dental imperfections like discoloration. Apart from destroying your smile, stained teeth can lower your confidence. It is a concern that troubles many people because it limits how they express themselves for fear of being judged harshly. Fortunately, there are multiple ways you can prevent discoloration. In most cases, daily habits and the food are the cause for...

6 Things You Should Never Do If You Want Pearl White Teeth, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

The Best Electric Toothbrush for Kids

Posted by Oana on Mon, 2 Jul 2018

Keeping your teeth clean must always be a priority. This will help avoid health problems down the road and prevent tooth decay from plaque. With that said, getting children to brush their teeth twice a day can be hard. That’s why parents need to make brushing teeth fun! There’s a variety of electric toothbrushes on the market that are designed to appeal to kids. Your child will likely be attracted to the one with their favourite cartoon character on it, but that may not be the one that...

The Best Electric Toothbrush for Kids, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Why You Should Switch to a Holistic Dentist

Posted by Oana on Mon, 11 Jun 2018

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive approach to your oral and overall health, you might want to consider switching to a holistic dental practice. Holistic dentists are dental specialists that focus on treating your entire body, starting with the mouth. The mouth is one of the main gateways for food, bacteria, and dust to enter the body. When a person exhibits poor oral care, the rest of their body faces increased health risks. Holistic dentists are licensed dentists that offer...

Why You Should Switch to a Holistic Dentist, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How Dentists Create Tooth Veneers And Crowns

Posted by Oana on Thu, 24 May 2018

Dental crowns and tooth veneers are just a couple of options for fixing one’s smile. Many people choose these crowns or veneers because they last long and can be done quickly by a local dentist. A dental crown is a uniquely crafted top, made to fit over a damaged tooth. The crown is made to essentially, replace and function as one’s tooth. The manufactured tooth is customized to match the shading and appearance of the surrounding teeth. New advances in dental innovation has made...

How Dentists Create Tooth Veneers And Crowns, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Ceramic implants may be the next big thing

Posted by Oana on Thu, 10 May 2018

I remember my grandfather being one of my favorite people, as a young girl. He was a quiet, kind man. I also remember my amusement every time he grabbed his upper false teeth with his tongue and push them partially out, then pull them back in again. I always laughed, but subconsciously decided then that I’d never want false teeth. But life often gets the best of us, and many of us find ourselves seeking solutions for lost teeth. Thankfully, nowadays, more options are at our service. One...

Ceramic implants may be the next big thing, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Differences between earache and toothache

Posted by MarketDental on Thu, 19 Apr 2018

Can a bad tooth cause ear infection? Earaches are often caused by fluids in the eardrum, inflammation or cold and flu, whereas toothaches may be caused by bacteria, cavities, gum disease or tooth injuries. Ear infection symptoms can vary depending on where the infection is located. You might suffer from an earache and fever, or experience dizziness and nausea. However, there's one symptom you might not be aware is connected to the infection: tooth pain. When determining the cause of...

Differences between earache and toothache, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Misconceptions About Sedation

Posted by Oana on Mon, 12 Mar 2018

For some people, a trip to the dentist is not a pleasant thought. Just imagining needles, blood, and pain can be a little stressful for the patient. But with modern dentistry, there are ways to appease the patient. One of the best ways is through dental sedation. Not everyone is open to the idea of sedation – most think that it is a potentially life threatening treatment option. Here we have listed clarification on common misconceptions about sedation. Sedation is not synonymous to...

Misconceptions About Sedation, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Fluoride Free Dental Alternatives

Posted by Oana on Mon, 5 Mar 2018

The most common preventive dental treatment is fluoride treatment. Fluoride treatment includes, but is not limited to, the topical fluoride application of fluoride varnish or fluoride gel, water fluoridation for the community, and fluoridated toothpastes. These procedures strengthen teeth, preventing dental cavities and toothaches. Bear in mind that these are not the only ways to have strong healthy teeth. Listed below are a few other fluoride free dental alternatives: Placement Dental...

Fluoride Free Dental Alternatives, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Are You A Candidate for Dental Sedation?

Posted by Oana on Fri, 16 Feb 2018

Many people experience fear or anxiety leading up to their scheduled dentist appointment. This fear can get in the way of them making and keeping dental appointments, which can create a vicious cycle of poor oral health. If you are anxious about the dentist, your oral health shouldn’t suffer as a result. There are many options for those who have dental fear and anxiety, including dental sedation. The first step is to speak to your dentist. They have likely had experience with nervous...

Are You A Candidate for Dental Sedation?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Are Amalgam Fillings Safe?

Posted by Oana on Wed, 7 Feb 2018

In the past, amalgam fillings were the most popular way of filling cavities. Although millions of people have had amalgam fillings done, in recent years tooth coloured bonding material has been used more frequently than amalgam fillings. Amalgam fillings are made up of a combination of different metals including silver, mercury, tin, and copper. They are dark silver in appearance, which is one main reason more dentists have switched to tooth coloured fillings. Amalgam fillings are less...

Are Amalgam Fillings Safe?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

4 Reasons To Visit Your Dental Hygienist

Posted by Oana on Mon, 29 Jan 2018

You probably already know that it’s important to visit your registered dental hygienist for regular cleanings. During these cleanings, your hygienist will remove plaque, clean your teeth, and check for any potential problems with your teeth and gums. However, many patients end up skipping hygienist visits because they feel like they’re unnecessary, and only visit the dentist if they think there’s a problem with their teeth or gums. Here are some reasons going to visit your dental...

4 Reasons To Visit Your Dental Hygienist, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How to Prepare For Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Posted by Oana on Mon, 8 Jan 2018

By bringing your child to the dentist regularly from an early age, you’re setting them up for a lifetime of excellent oral health. The earlier you bring your child to the dentist the better, as they’ll quickly get used to it and realize there’s nothing to be frightened of. The general rule is that your child should first visit the dentist six months after their first tooth appears, though this should be no later than their first birthday. When looking for a dentist that specializes in...

How to Prepare For Your Child’s First Dental Visit, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

5 Do’s And Don’ts After Dental Sedation

Posted by Oana on Mon, 18 Dec 2017

When having sedation dentistry performed, it’s very important to follow the rules. By making sure you follow each guideline your dentist gives you for before and after your sedation dentistry procedure, you are protecting yourself from any negative side effects, as well as doing all you can to make sure the sedative functions as it should. DO NOT Attempt to Drive Once you are discharged from your dentist’s office after having received sedation dentistry, you are not allowed to...

5 Do’s And Don’ts After Dental Sedation, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Can A Dentist Shape Your Teeth?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 4 Dec 2017

A bright, attractive smile can give a huge boost to your overall appearance and self-confidence. Unfortunately, many people are unhappy with the look of their smile. This can be due to many reasons, although is often an issue with spacing and alignment. Sometimes, patients are unhappy with the shape of their teeth. They may find their teeth are unevenly shaped, too pointed or jagged, or may be unhappy with the size of their teeth. Unlike unevenly aligned or spaced teeth, tooth shape cannot...

Can A Dentist Shape Your Teeth?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How A Dentist Removes Plaque

Posted by Oana on Wed, 15 Nov 2017

Having regular cleanings is an important aspect of your dental services. During these cleanings plaque is removed from your teeth. The removal of plaque during cleanings, as well as the prevention of plaque buildup, is an essential part of a good oral hygiene routine. Plaque is a sticky film that contains millions of bacteria and builds up on your teeth. If this isn’t removed regularly, the bacteria can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Even the healthiest mouth contains some bacteria...

How A Dentist Removes Plaque, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Can You Eat Before Or After Sedation Dentistry?

Posted by Oana on Wed, 8 Nov 2017

Sedation dentistry, or “sleep dentistry”, is often used for patients who have anxiety or fear about visiting the dentist. Even among adults, anxiety or even phobia about the dentist is common. Many people delay or fail to visit their dentist because of this fear, which can lead to poor oral health and problems such as gum disease or tooth decay. It’s a bit paradoxical because putting off visiting the dentist can actually lead to more severe dental problems, and eventually more...

Can You Eat Before Or After Sedation Dentistry?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

5 Symptoms Of Tooth Decay

Posted by Oana on Wed, 11 Oct 2017

We all know tooth decay is bad but will we recognize it when we see it? Tooth decay is caused by acid produced by the buildup of plaque on the teeth. Plaque contains millions of bacteria which can eat away at the teeth over time, causing tooth decay, as well as a host of other potential problems such as gum disease and abscess. By learning to recognize the symptoms of tooth decay you can make sure the problem is addressed as soon as possible, before it gets worse and results in further...

5 Symptoms Of Tooth Decay, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

What Happens To Your Gums When You Don’t Floss?

Posted by Oana on Wed, 4 Oct 2017

Let’s face it, most of us don’t look forward to flossing our teeth. However, it’s a very important part of your daily oral hygiene routine. By regularly flossing, you can avoid needing painful or time-consuming dental services. Flossing removes bacteria and food debris from between the teeth, preventing plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky, transparent film that coats your teeth. It contains millions of bacteria and if it accumulates on and between your teeth, it can cause problems such...

What Happens To Your Gums When You Don’t Floss?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

4 Ways To Be Proactive When It Comes To Your Teeth

Posted by Oana on Wed, 27 Sep 2017

When it comes to your oral health, it’s always better to practice preventative care rather than reactive care. It’s impossible to know and foresee all dental problems but prevention is always better than having to seek treatment. Here are some ways to be proactive when it comes to your oral care to avoid dental health issues: Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene It’s surprising how many adults still have gaps in their oral hygiene routine. Brushing and flossing regularly is your best...

4 Ways To Be Proactive When It Comes To Your Teeth, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

The Link Between Your Oral Health And Headaches

Posted by Oana on Wed, 13 Sep 2017

There are many potential causes of headaches, but a common one many people overlook is your mouth! Frequent headaches can be really painful and disruptive to your life. If you’re unsure of what is causing your headaches, you may want to visit your dentist. Dental headaches are usually the result of tension building up in the muscles around your face and jaw. This is a symptom of a “bad bite”, or poorly aligned teeth, which causes your jaw to overcompensate. Over time, tension builds...

The Link Between Your Oral Health And Headaches, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Is It Safe To Whiten Your Teeth During Pregnancy?

Posted by Oana on Wed, 23 Aug 2017

Teeth whitening is considered a cosmetic procedure, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have benefits to your overall oral health and well-being. If you are ashamed of your smile because your teeth are yellow or discoloured, teeth whitening can work wonders for your self-esteem. But is it safe to whiten your teeth during pregnancy? Dental services during pregnancy: Bleaching vs. whitening If you are in good health, you can receive dental services for the majority of your pregnancy (...

Is It Safe To Whiten Your Teeth During Pregnancy?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Six Signs Your Dental Implant Is Infected

Posted by Oana on Wed, 9 Aug 2017

Most complications from dental implants come from infections. A common implant infection is peri-implantitis. This type of infection is a form of periodontal (gum) disease that if left untreated can lead to inflammation, bone loss and implant failure. Implant infections are caused by bacteria and can happen immediately after implantation or months or even years later. Furthermore, if your dentist did not use titanium dental implants, an infection can grow due to the poor quality of the...

Six Signs Your Dental Implant Is Infected, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How To Switch Dentists

Posted by Oana on Mon, 31 Jul 2017

Most people find it easier to maintain a record of dental visits with a single dental practice, where they’re familiar with the quality of dental services, and have built a rapport with the dentist. But you may need to switch dentists, oftentimes because you have moved, or you may need a different dentist to perform a specialized procedure. Rather than start over at the new dental office, trying to recall the type and time of a certain procedure you underwent, or when your next deep...

How To Switch Dentists, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Is It Safe To Get Fillings While Pregnant?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 10 Jul 2017

Pregnancy makes expectant mothers more sensitive to all kinds of risk, because of valid concerns about the development of the foetus. Indeed, you need to be cautious about what you consume and expose yourself to. Things such as alcohol, smoking and some medications should be avoided. Does this mean that you should postpone all dental work until post-delivery? No. In fact, dental professionals recommend that expectant mothers maintain their usual dental cleanings and annual exams. They are...

Is It Safe To Get Fillings While Pregnant?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Is Prescription Toothpaste Worth It?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 26 Jun 2017

Regular brushing should be part of your daily routine for maintaining good oral hygiene and a dazzling smile. But sometimes, regular toothpaste is not enough to adequately keep your mouth healthy and free from cavities and other painful conditions. If you are susceptible to dental caries, dry mouth, root exposure, or other dental problems, your registered dental hygienist may recommend prescription toothpaste. How is prescription toothpaste different? Regular toothpastes contain minute...

Is Prescription Toothpaste Worth It?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

5 Tips To Protect Your Teeth Enamel

Posted by Oana on Mon, 5 Jun 2017

Your teeth are protected by one of the hardest substances in the human body, namely enamel. However, tooth enamel is also quite fragile. Some things such as poor foods and drinks choices, subjecting your teeth to hard surfaces, such as through nail biting, and poor dental hygiene can cause tooth enamel to wear away faster than it can rebuild (through remineralization). In between professional dental services, use these tips to protect your tooth enamel and avoid tooth sensitivity and decay:...

5 Tips To Protect Your Teeth Enamel, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

What Are The Different Types Of Sedation Dentistry?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 29 May 2017

Sedation dentistry consists of several techniques used to safely induce a state of relaxation in order to help control discomfort and anxiety among patients undergoing long or intricate procedures. The sedation dentistry techniques are administered for a wide range of applications, in order to help patients get the oral health care they need. It is particularly beneficial to patients who: Are scheduled to undergo intricate or extensive procedures Experience anxiety due to dental treatment...

What Are The Different Types Of Sedation Dentistry?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Are Composite Resin Fillings Safe?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 8 May 2017

Dentists and patients are increasingly opting for composite resin fillings as an alternative to amalgam fillings, largely due to their aesthetic appeal, and also because of mercury concerns. However, there have been claims that composite resin fillings may be damaging to health. In this post, we examine the concerns associated with composite resin fillings. Health Concerns with Composite Resin Fillings Composite resin fillings typically are comprised of three components: inorganic fillers...

Are Composite Resin Fillings Safe?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

5 Things Your Dental Hygienist Can Tell About You

Posted by Oana on Fri, 17 Mar 2017

After visiting their registered dental hygienist for a routine checkup, most people leave the office feeling confident about the state of their dental health. Besides providing professional teeth cleaning, dental professionals scrutinize your teeth and mouth for early warning signs of oral and body health issues. Studies have shown that the condition of your mouth is a good indicator of your overall health. Dental professionals are able to identify early signs of anaemia, diabetes, and even...

5 Things Your Dental Hygienist Can Tell About You, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

How Sedation Dentistry Can Ease Feelings Of Anxiety

Posted by Oana on Mon, 6 Mar 2017

For some, the thought of sitting in the dental chair can be so dreadful that a simple routine visit becomes a reason for stress and nervousness. This condition is referred to as dental anxiety. It affects a fairly large proportion of the population across all age groups. And while there is nothing to be afraid of when visiting the dentist, it is understandable why some experience elevated levels of stress and discomfort when put in this position of vulnerability. Dental practices work to...

How Sedation Dentistry Can Ease Feelings Of Anxiety, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Dangers Associated With Improper Amalgam Fillings

Posted by Oana on Thu, 16 Feb 2017

Mercury is considered one of the most dangerous, non-radioactive metals on earth, and yet it is a key constituent in the popular amalgam fillings used in dental restoration procedures. New studies suggest that the removal of a single amalgam filling can increase mercury levels in the body. This contradicts earlier studies that claimed that the removal of amalgam fillings did not pose any risks to health. Many dental associations base their arguments on such earlier studies, disregarding the...

Dangers Associated With Improper Amalgam Fillings, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

What is a holistic dentist?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 12 Dec 2016

A holistic dentist, or a biological dentist, is a dental professional who practices with the intention to treat patients in the safest and most natural way possible, while still finding the same successful outcomes as those practicing modern dentistry. They exercise an approach that is not its own form of dentistry, but instead a less toxic approach at fixing oral issues in order to better a patient’s teeth, mouth, and overall health. Holistic dentistry makes use of biocompatible or non-...

What is a holistic dentist?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

What are same day crowns?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 12 Dec 2016

Dental crowns refer to filling material designed and shaped to be capped over the structure left from a damaged or weakened natural tooth to help preserve the remaining structure, restore the tooth to full functionality, restore the aesthetics and prevent additional damage/decay. Same day crowns make use of CAD/CAM technology that has been perfected over the last three decades and allow patients to receive a permanent crown in a single appointment. The technology and equipment makes it...

What are same day crowns?, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

Bleeding Gums? These 5 Things Could Be The Cause

Posted by Oana on Tue, 23 Feb 2016

It is not uncommon for people to notice some drops of blood in the sink after some careful flossing. You may dismiss it as a simple injury, perhaps due to aggressive flossing or brushing, but proper dental care should never cause your gums to bleed. It is just not normal, and is actually an indicator for gum disease caused by poor oral hygiene that allows bacteria and plaque to buildup. While aggressive flossing and brushing may cause bloody gums, below are other more likely triggers to look...

Bleeding Gums? These 5 Things Could Be The Cause, Dentist Edmonton, Dental Clinic Edmonton

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