Ceramic vs Titanium Implants: What’s the Difference?

Teeth and the smile they contribute to can say a lot about you. Perfectly aligned, bright, pearly white teeth are a thing of desire and a major source of confidence for many. Devoting your time to the regular care of your teeth and gums can ensure that your teeth remain healthy and strong.
Your dental health is also tied to your overall health and appearance of your mouth and face. By maintaining clean and healthy teeth and gums, you’ll ensure that your overall health and appearance of your smile are not affected by poor oral hygiene practices.
Unfortunately, oral and dental problems can still occur; however, most dental concerns can be treated. One such dental problem is the loss of a tooth or teeth, through damage or decay; in these cases, dental implants are available to replace missing teeth.
Dental implants have quickly become one of the most popular tooth restoration procedures, offering several benefits, including:
- Improving speech
- Allowing you to enjoy all types of foods
- Functioning and appearing like natural teeth
- Comfortable, no slipping, or adhesives required
- Durable and long-lasting
With such excellent benefits, implants are certainly an excellent treatment for one or more missing teeth.
The majority of dental implants are created from titanium, ceramic, or a combination of the two. Although both implants serve the same purpose, there are some differences between the ceramic and titanium implants in terms of cost, healing time, and how long they last. Generally, both ceramic and titanium implants are designed to last for decades without any problems, and repairs can be made if they do become damaged.
If you’re considering getting a dental implant and are unsure which material is the right choice for you, we’ll help guide you through your options so you can make an informed decision.
Titanium Dental Implants
Titanium implants are the older of the two main types of implants available; however, they have successfully passed the test of time. Patients who receive titanium implants do not usually face any concerns with their implants for 20 or even 30 years.
Pros of titanium implants:
1. Strength and durability
Titanium implants rarely fracture, providing durability and long-lasting strength, compared to ceramic implants. For patients with a habit of grinding or clenching their teeth, titanium implants are usually the safer option for long-term use.
2. Simple design
Titanium implants are crafted in a simple two-piece system that is easy to implant, allows for greater versatility, and better patient outcomes. The titanium base, also known as the implant itself, is first stabilized and secured into the jaw structure. Once the implant is secured, the tooth restoration is placed on top.
Cons of titanium implants:
1. Corrosion
Titanium implants can corrode over time, although the chances of corrosion are lower if there are no other metals in the mouth.
2. Appearance
Unlike ceramic implants, titanium implants can be relatively less aesthetically appealing, as the metal material may show through the gums.
Ceramic Dental Implants
Ceramic dental implants have introduced a very new technology, offering a strong and durable material, similar to titanium, without the risk of corrosion. In some cases, ceramic implants may be the only option for patients who are allergic to titanium or other metals.
Pros of ceramic implants:
1. Natural look
Ceramic implants can be crafted to match the colour of your natural teeth and lead to less mucosal discoloration than titanium implants. This will give you a very aesthetically pleasing finish to your smile.
Patients who have thin or delicate soft tissue biotype, or receding soft tissue, will greatly benefit from the ceramic implants which easily blend in with natural teeth.
2. Durable material
Unlike titanium, the ceramic material is not affected by other metals in the mouth, which means it won’t become worn down or degrade over time. Ceramic implants offer an excellent metal-free option for those who may be allergic to titanium or other metals.
3. Low affinity for plaque
Compared to titanium implants, ceramic implants have a lower affinity for attracting and retaining plaque and have a lower adhesion to bacteria. This means that ceramic implants tend to remain cleaner than other types of implants.
Cons of ceramic implants:
1. Delicate design
Compared to titanium, ceramic implants are more likely to fracture.
2. Difficult implantation
Unlike a titanium implant, which is placed in two-pieces, a ceramic implant is usually one piece. Inserting the single-piece implant is significantly more difficult for oral surgeons, requiring a greater level of skill, and offering less flexibility than titanium implants.
3. Limited indications
As ceramic implants are a relatively newer technology, the clinical indications they are used for are limited compared to titanium implants. Ceramic implants are currently used for single tooth replacement and bridge cases.
Ceramic vs Titanium Implants: Safety and Healing
Both ceramic and titanium implants are safe, have been FDA approved, and undergone significant testing before they were made available to the public. As titanium implants are the older option, they have been used in the dental industry for much longer. For this reason, dental professionals have a better understanding of the side effects and other concerns associated with titanium material.
While allergic reactions to titanium have occurred, no adverse reactions to the materials in ceramic implants have been noted. While there are slight differences in the design of titanium vs ceramic implants, they both contain a base piece implanted into the jaw structure, and therefore requires time to heal.
The healing time between the two types of implants does not differ significantly. Immediately following your implant procedure, you can expect to experience some pain for about a week, which can be easily managed with the help of pain medications. The entire healing time for both implant types is between 3-6 months, during which time the implant becomes integrated into your jaw through a process known as osseointegration.
What is the cost difference between ceramic and titanium implants?
Ceramic implants are the more costly option compared to titanium implants, mainly due to the cost of manufacturing and the lengthy procedure required to correctly place the implants.
Although more expensive, Ceramic implants are the recommended option for individuals who want to achieve the best cosmetic result, as there is a possibility of the colour of the titanium implants showing through the gums.
What is the right choice for me?
Both ceramic and titanium dental implants have passed the test of time and have proven their durability and effectiveness, so either material is a viable option. The type of material you select for your implant should be dependent on your personal preference, budget or dental insurance, and recommendations from a dental professional.
Some older patients who have thinner gums may prefer ceramic implants to avoid the obvious metal colour showing through their gums. Patients concerned about allergic reaction to titanium may opt for the ceramic implants as well.
Based on your lifestyle, habits such as clenching or grinding, and other metals in your mouth, your dentist or oral surgeon can recommend the type of material best suited for your personal needs.
Teeth can become damaged or decay over time and may fall out or need to be extracted. There are several reasons why opting to replace missing teeth is important for your oral health and physical appearance.
Not only do missing teeth affect your smile’s overall appearance, but they result in the shifting of your teeth over time into the empty spaces, causing your other healthy teeth to move into incorrect positions.
Luckily, with the help of dental implants, you can restore your beautiful smile with a durable, long-lasting, and in the case of ceramic implants, a very natural-looking tooth restoration. Dental implants are available in ceramic and titanium, each offering a long-lasting solution for missing teeth.
To learn more about the difference between ceramic and titanium dental implants, call Roots on Whyte Dental at 888-602-2308 or contact us here.
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