5 Chewing Tips After You’ve Had a Filling

5 Chewing Tips After You’ve Had a Filling

You hear your stomach grumbling and the delicious smell of food wafting towards you as you prepare yourself to dig into your next meal. Unfortunately, if you’ve had a filling, digging into a meal may not be as simple as usual.

A tooth filling, sometimes known as a restorative filling, is a very common procedure in the world of dentistry. Fillings are used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay and seal them to prevent further decay.

It is common to experience sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages after a dental filling, which could last up to a few weeks. Additionally, you may also experience increased sensitivity from the biting pressure on the dental filling, especially if the filling is for a deep cavity. Unfortunately, this pain and sensitivity can make it difficult for you to enjoy your foods, interfering with your usual eating habits.

As careful as you may be, mishaps can happen with fillings; they can become dislodged or fractured during chewing or grinding of the teeth, change in diet or medication, or tooth decay underneath the filling.

Luckily, these mishaps can be prevented if you take the time to learn the correct way to eat and chew your food so that you can prevent the displacement of your filling or any other discomfort. Once your procedure is complete, your dentist will provide you with post-operative instructions to help you manage soreness and sensitivity in your teeth. It’s important to follow all instructions very closely to prevent dislodging or damaging your restoration. Additionally, there are a few simple precautions you can take during the first 2-3 weeks after your dental filling.

If you’ve recently had or will have a filling in the future, we have 5 chewing and care tips to help you get the nutrition you need, while ensuring that your filling remains intact.

Avoid Hard, Crunchy, Sticky, or Chewy Foods

Biting down on hard objects such as ice, or chewing on pencils can be dangerous for your teeth and increases their chance of cracking. Avoiding these kinds of habits is better for your dental health.

After getting a filling, it’s a good idea to avoid foods that are hard, crunchy, chewy, or sticky for at least two to three weeks following the restoration. Foods with these kinds of textures can dislodge or damage a filling that hasn’t had sufficient time to properly harden and should only be enjoyed once your mouth has fully healed.

This being said, you should ensure that you are getting the proper nutrition to recover properly. When eating, try to stick to softer foods and beverages such as soup, macaroni, mashed potatoes, puddings, or milkshakes. These foods will help you avoid damaging your new filling while still providing you with the nutrition you need.

Avoid Foods Which are Too Hot or Too Cold

When you bite into ice cream or sip a hot cup of coffee, you may experience some sensitivity in your teeth. This feeling is enhanced in a tooth which has recently received a restoration. Extreme temperatures can trigger sensitivity in your newly restored tooth or teeth, which is why it’s a good idea to avoid consuming foods or drinks, which are either too hot or too cold.

Luckily, the sensitivity should only last for 2-3 weeks. You can also try using a toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth, and try to chew your food on the opposite side of the mouth from the restoration to avoid experiencing sensitivity.

Gentle Bites and Slow and Careful Chewing

When you bite down hard on your food, you’ll be putting an extensive amount of pressure on your teeth. If you’ve just had a filling, this can cause a lot of soreness and pain in your newly restored tooth. Additionally, when you bite down hard with a lot of pressure, you increase the risk of fracturing your restorative filling.

To help prevent the soreness, pain, and fracturing of your filling, bite down gently and chew your food slowly and carefully. Ensure that the teeth of your lower and upper jaw don’t contact each other painfully or with any excessive force, by slowing down the movements of your jaw and gently biting your food.

Avoid Excessive Sweets, Sugary Foods, and Beverages

Your teeth are precious and should be taken care of as much as possible. Unfortunately, pesky bacteria in the mouth can find a home in your teeth and gums and result in cavities, which, once removed, are filled in using a restorative filling.

In some cases, individuals can develop sensitivity to sugary foods and drinks. To avoid this sensitivity, avoid excessive sweets and sugary foods following your new dental filling procedure. Generally, dental filling or not, sugary and sweet foods and drinks are harmful to your teeth, promoting bacterial growth in your mouth.

To avoid the occurrence of secondary caries, steer clear of sugar and sweets in all forms, to avoid bacterial growth around the edges or underneath of your new dental filling.

Keep Your Mouth Closed While Chewing

Sensitivity in your teeth can be heightened following a dental filling procedure, to the extent that even cold air coming in your mouth can cause sensitivity. To help this tooth sensitivity, it’s a good idea to chew your food with your mouth closed. Not only is this considered a good habit, but it can also prevent cold air from getting into your mouth while you eat and help you prevent tooth sensitivity due to cold air.

Children and adults alike can develop cavities, which can be removed and filled in with a filling to help save your tooth. A filling is a very common restorative procedure and an excellent way to help seal your teeth to prevent reinfection. However, like any procedure, fillings require a sufficient amount of time to set, harden, and for your mouth to heal after the procedure. During this time, a few simple precautions should be taken when chewing your food to ensure that your filling remains intact, and you continue to receive the nutrition your body requires.

Avoiding hard, crunchy, sticky, or chewy foods, eating with your mouth closed, and avoiding very cold or very hot foods and drinks are great ways to keep your new filling from getting damaged.

For more chewing tips for after you’ve had a filling, call Roots on Whyte Dental at 888-602-2308 or contact us here.

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