Fluoride Free Dental Alternatives

Fluoride Free Dental Alternatives

The most common preventive dental treatment is fluoride treatment. Fluoride treatment includes, but is not limited to, the topical fluoride application of fluoride varnish or fluoride gel, water fluoridation for the community, and fluoridated toothpastes. These procedures strengthen teeth, preventing dental cavities and toothaches. Bear in mind that these are not the only ways to have strong healthy teeth. Listed below are a few other fluoride free dental alternatives:

Placement Dental Sealants

Our teeth are not flat; there are grooves and fissures on the occlusal, buccal, and palatal on lingual surfaces. These grooves and fissures are like narrow canals that can be a niche for bacteria to grow. These are the usual areas where cavities can form. The anatomy of the tooth is much more complex than what can be identified on the surface and thus, brushing alone is not enough to prevent cavities from forming.

To prevent bacteria from entering these grooves and fissures, dental sealants are placed. This is a flowy, plastic coating placed by dentists on the grooves and fissures. Placement of dental sealants makes these hard to clean areas smooth. It also covers these possible niches for dental cavities to form. Dental sealants are the best fluoride free alternative that is proven to be safe and effective.

Dietary Changes

Our diet has a lot to do with our oral health. The frequency of meals and the type of foods we eat affect our oral health status. Certain foods we consume can cause a drop in pH levels of our saliva, it becomes acidic. An acidic environment causes weakening of tooth structure and gives a conducive environment for bacteria to grow. Therefore, having frequent meals causes a longer acidic environment in our oral cavity that may lead to tooth decay.

Aside from the frequency of meals, what we choose to eat is also very important. Starchy foods such as bread and pasta, breaks down to simple carbohydrates that bacteria causing tooth decay needs to survive. In addition to these foods, limiting intake of sticky foods and flavored drinks is highly recommended.

Good Oral Hygiene

There are instances when we cannot just give up on starchy foods. Therefore, having a good oral hygiene is a must. Brushing 30 minutes after eating is a very important step we can take to ensure good oral hygiene. The best approach to this would be to wait 30 minutes before brushing after eating in order to allow saliva to neutralize to prevent abrasions. If brushing cannot be done, it is advised to thoroughly rinse the mouth and drink plenty of water.

Oil Pulling, Neem and Myrrh

Oil pulling is a tradition practiced by elders to prevent tooth decay. They commonly use coconut oil and oregano oil because of its antibacterial properties. Coconut oil inhibits bacterial growth. While oregano oil can ease toothache, abscess, and mouth sores.

Mouthwashes with neem and myrrh are also fluoride free alternatives. These two are believed to contain antibacterial properties. Furthermore, myrrh can help cure halitosis or bad breathe.

No matter what method you use to fight dental cavities, it is very important to have regular dental visits. Being able to detect dental cavities at an early stage is essential to avoid any complications and serious ailments.

For more information on fluoride free dental alternatives, contact Roots on Whyte Dental in Edmonton. Our services include:

General Dentistry

Mercury Amalgam Replacement

Injectable Ceramic Fillings

Same Day Crowns/Bridges

Cosmetic Dentistry

Ceramic Implants

Fluoride-Free Alternatives

Roots on Whyte Dental is accepting new patients, call us to book your appointment today at 780-438-6863.

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